- Sunday 170906 Blessed to bless by Don"
- Sunday 240906 Evangelism
- Sunday 011006 Assurance of Salvation
- Sunday 081006 Dating
- Sunday 151006 Assurnace of Answered Prayers
- Sunday 221006 The meaning of life
- Sunday 291006 Games
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since 11th April 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
11:31 AM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
2:58 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
7:24 PM
When the disciples saw Jesus pray, they realized they did not know how to pray. They saw how much time He gave to prayer and what it meant in His own life. They saw Him go into prayer in one mood and come out in another. As a result of His prayers, they saw things become different.
To them prayer had been a form but to Christ it was a FORCE!!!! Remember that how much you prayer will almost directly equals to how much you're reliant on God. The symbolic meaning of prayer is dependence on God.
Do you let prayer become a FORCE in your life? Or do you think you can make it on your own?
Let us spend some time to reflect on how big we let our God be in our lives...
Don out. God bless
Queenstown Lutheran Church
Youth Fellowship
All the way from
Location :
Beside Commonwealth Mrt
(on the side of new town primary not Faith methodist)
Email/Msn me @ zenith87@gmail.com
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